495 S Weber Rd, Bolingbrook, IL 60490

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canals BolingbrookWhen you think of a trip to the dentist, chances are your mind immediately goes to visions of pain and discomfort. But what if that wasn't the case? What if a trip to the dentist could be an experience you looked forward to? That's what you get with a root canal in Bolingbrook at Dental Smiles of Bolingbrook. With Dr. Ali Khan and his team, root canals can be a quick and painless process, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready for whatever life throws your way.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that aims to save a severely damaged or infected tooth, preserving its function and appearance. The process involves removing the tooth's damaged pulp, which consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. By meticulously cleaning and shaping the root canal system, the endodontist eliminates bacteria and debris harbored within. Subsequently, the tooth's interior is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent reinfection. Ultimately, root canals in Bolingbrook provide an effective solution to maintain an individual's natural dental structure while addressing the underlying issues that might otherwise lead to tooth loss or more severe health concerns.

What to Look Out For - Recognizing the Signs You Need a Root Canal

  • Severe toothache

    One of the most common signs that you may need a root canal is a severe toothache. If the pain is severe enough, it may wake you up at night or make it difficult to eat or drink. The pain may also be accompanied by sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

  • Swollen gums

    Another sign that you may need a root canal is swollen gums. If your gums are red, tender, and/or swollen, it could be a sign of infection. Additionally, you may notice pus coming from the affected tooth.

  • Darkened tooth

    If your tooth has become darker in color, it could be a sign that the nerve tissue has died. This is often due to an infection or decay that has reached the pulp of the tooth.

  • Darkened, discolored tooth

    A discolored tooth is often a message that the inner vital tissues, including the tooth’s nerve and blood supply, have been compromised. Teeth that have sustained an injury may demonstrate discoloration as the internal tissues have devitalized.

  • Cracked tooth

    A cracked tooth can also lead to nerve damage and may require a root canal. A crack in your tooth may not cause any pain at first, but it can allow bacteria to enter the pulp and cause an infection.

  • Loose tooth

    A loose tooth is another sign that the nerve tissue in your tooth may be damaged. This can happen due to an infection, decay, or trauma to the tooth.

  • Sensitivity to temperature changes

    If you have noticed that your teeth are suddenly more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, it could be a sign that you need a root canal. This is often due to damage to the nerve tissue in the tooth.

  • Pain when biting down

    If you experience pain when biting down or chewing, it could be a sign of damage to the nerve tissue in your tooth.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Though often feared, root canals in Bolingbrook provide many benefits for patients suffering from dental issues such as infection or decay. For one thing, it relieves pain quickly and effectively so that you can go back to living your life without worrying about discomfort in your mouth. Additionally, undergoing root canal therapy helps protect your other teeth from infection by removing the source of the problem before it spreads further down into your gums or other teeth. Finally, getting a root canal in Bolingbrook allows you to keep your natural tooth instead of having it extracted—which means that you won’t have to worry about replacing it with dentures or implants later on down the line!

Root canal in Bolingbrook doesn’t have to be scary; In fact, when done right - like at Dental Smiles of Bolingbrook in Bolingbrook - it provides relief from infection and discomfort while preserving your natural teeth for years to come! If you think root canal therapy may be right for you, contact us today and learn more about how Dr. Ali Khan can help restore your smile!


A root canal procedure is the best way to save a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury and preserve your natural smile. The alternative is an extraction and treatment to replace the tooth. While at times a tooth is non-restorable and an extraction is the only option, when possible, it’s best to try and save your natural tooth. With proper care, a tooth with root canal therapy care can serve your smile well for many years to come.

Despite lingering myths from before the age of modern dental anesthesia and technology, having a root canal procedure today is as routine and comfortable as visiting the dentist for a filling. While the procedure is performed under local anesthesia with your tooth completely numbed, we can also discuss options in dental sedation.

Whether the symptoms of a dental infection subside after a course of antibiotics, a draining abscess provides you with some temporary pain relief, or a tooth with radiographic evidence of pathology has not yet developed symptoms, it’s essential, before an infection worsens or occurs, to have a root canal procedure performed. In this way, the tooth can be disinfected, filled, and sealed to protect your health and avoid further problems.

If you have sustained a dental injury, have a toothache, jaw pain, swelling, or are experiencing any other unusual and uncomfortable oral symptoms, contact our office immediately for care. Dental problems that have not been evaluated and treated can significantly worsen, producing more severe damage and consequences for the involved teeth, your oral health, and even your overall wellbeing. Once you get in touch with our office, our friendly and compassionate office team will get you in for care at your earliest convenience.

While some root canal procedures can be completed in one visit, others may involve 2 or 3 appointments. How long it takes depends on various factors, including active infection, the number of canals in the tooth, and the tooth’s location or anatomy.

With a success rate that exceeds 95%, root canal therapy remains the most effective procedure to save a tooth in which the inner vital tissues have been damaged. However, as with all healthcare procedures, there are a small percentage of cases where the teeth become symptomatic a second time. The good news is that many of these teeth can still be saved with root canal retreatment or a minor surgical procedure known as an apicoectomy.

The best ways to maintain a tooth with root canal therapy are to get the proper restoration required to rebuild and protect the tooth, maintain proper oral hygiene, and schedule appointments for routine dental checkups and care.

Saving a tooth with root canal therapy is a wise investment that, in the long run, is typically less costly and invasive than having the tooth extracted and replaced with a fixed bridge or implant. As far as the exact cost of care, it can vary depending on which tooth is being treated. Many dental insurance plans provide coverage for root canal therapy. At the office of Dental Smiles of Bolingbrook, we do our best to optimize your dental benefits and minimize your out-of-pocket expenses. Our staff answer all your questions about the cost of care and discuss all your payment options.

At the office of Dental Smiles of Bolingbrook, we use the latest technology and most effective methods of care to provide precise and gentle care. Our reputation for excellence is based upon a consistent record of achieving successful treatment outcomes while providing prompt, stress-free, and convenient treatment for every type of dental need.

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